Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Server Isues

If you've tried accessing the site recently, you probably noticed it is down. I'm having some server troubles; one's that would be easy to fix if I had direct access to it. Unfortunately, the Network on Campus disables servers, so I have to leave mine at home, and being over an hour away makes it difficult to make minor changes. I almost have a remote-access system up, but it's hard to make router settings changes if I can't reach the firewall, and trying to walk my family though it over the phone would be a nightmare.

On the other hand, pretty much all the information available on the site is also on our new Facebook page. And this blog should update to a Twitter account, which should then update to the Facebook news feed. Very messy.

EDIT 9/21: Next weekend the server will be down (not that you can tell a difference; it's been down for several weeks now while I've been away) while I switch to a significantly more secure, more reliable Linux system (I will be using Ubuntu 10.4 Server Edition, if you are curious) and away from crummy Win7.

If I can scrape together twelve hundred dollars, I can get me my dream machine, an M-Audio ProjectMix I/O. It will finalize my DAW and I can actually start professionally recording stuff.

It has a Firewire connection that works seamlessly with Logic, ProTools, etc. You move a slider in the software, and the slider on the mixer moves with it, which is one of the coolest things I have ever seen. Plus, multi-layer recording, MIDI control, and so much other cool shit.

Hopefully, I won't get too antsy and spend my savings on something else.

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