Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Butch Walker

So today Butch Walker released his new album, I Liked It Better When You Had No Heart. I gave it a listen, and I am quite impressed. With catchy melodies and creative lyrics, this album stands proudly with the rest. Not to say that it sounds the same. Butch seems to have strayed further away from the kinda-rough-but-still-pretty sound of Rise and Fall (think "Bethamphetamine"), but still manages to keep all the slow songs entertaining and beautiful. Plus, the acoustic version of "Don't Move" (one of my favorite songs) at the end is amazing.

Butch Walker was born and raised right next door in Cartersville, GA. After playing guitar for the hair metal band SouthGang, Butch started a band called Marvelous 3 (Hey! Album is one of the greatest albums of all time). Since then he went solo, spending part of his time making music, and part producing it for artists like Avril Levigne and Katy Perry. His last album, Sycamore Meadows, is about his return to Atlanta after years on the west coast. Butch may not be part of the genre of music I usually listen to, but he is so musically talented that everyone can like him.


  1. This is such a cool band and I really like their sound. The fact that you gave us background about the band and a little history makes the bands seem that much better. I can't wait to hear more from this band and find out more about them.

  2. I really like Butch Walker, and I think it's cool how you talk about his current album and give a bit of backstory about him.
