Monday, February 8, 2010


I am a student at Berry College, a music geek, an instrument effects pedal builder, and the owner of RabidAudio, an indie record label based in Atlanta, GA.
This blog will (for the most part) include posts related to such things.

As for RabidAudio, the site is under construction (there was an old site, but I am so bad at web design that I'm not going to even share the link). At present, there is one artist I am working with. IncontipleXion, a comedic metalcore group (with whom I have in the past played bass for during live shows).

Here are some artists I know personally:

Tetrarch - Classic Metal meets Bullet For My Valentine. Will be opening April 30 at the Masquerade (my favorite place in Atlanta) for Sonata Artica. Definitely check them out.

IncontipleXion -Pronounced [n-kon-tuh-pleyk-shuhn]. The only song I have produced for them is this one. I don't get to do much recording nowadays, thanks to school. This summer, however, we plan to put together a full album for IncontipleXion and start a local tour.

David Bergen - Local rocker and former guitarist for The Psychedelic Pink Socks.

Eric Morphis - Unique rapper and close friend. Edited and Produced music video for single, "Rockman".

Ross Woodruff- Acoustic rocker in Nashville.

Tetrarch preforming a cover of Master of Puppets

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