Thursday, March 31, 2011

KittyServ 3.0

So I finally have a stable server set up. It is an old Gateway that came with Win98 (and a 450MHz processor, no less!) that is now running Debian 6.0 and Apache2.2. A friend turned me on to Webmin, which screwed up my Virtual host settings, but otherwise has been a godsend. It also hosts a headless Transmission client, and when a file completes, I move it to Dropbox. This gets around the school's firewall, which frowns on p2p.
This was perfect timing, as BCAR, the alternate realities club on campus, came to me asking about starting a website for their convention April 22, KinatsuCon. Unfortunately, No one had any web design experience, and I am awful at the creative portion of web design, so I did what has become habit for me: I downloaded a CC-licensed template from (this time it was "widget"), and got to work. Assuming we get some content, we may actually get a domain name, but for now, you can see the content-less site at
This also gave me the excuse to set up an FTP server (so people can keep the site updated). It was surprisingly easy to set up vsftpd, and works well.

In music-related news, we've finally got a band together (that is, we found a drummer), and can hopefully compete in the Battle of the Bands this Saturday (April 2).

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